2015年12月9日 星期三


生病有好處嗎, 當然 !病人休養,做不來的,上主親自成全。還有更好嗎?






還有今年11月是晨曦福音戒毒事工十週年, 我甚麼也不用做,就可享受一同數算主恩的喜樂。這可是個大祝福啊!


年終感恩的時候,上主特別提醒我這件事, 由開始學習放多些手,細心觀看,見到了,祂成就了許多美好的事。

2015年11月21日 星期六

頭髮另一章 Hair Comes



前天晚上和過去七個月每個禮拜按日替我分發代禱資料的組長一同晚飯時,大家都說頭髮比以前黑了、好看了,連人也顯得年輕了。真開心。 化療啊, 這可是你唯一能討好的副作用!


吃飯時,一位代禱組長分享說 : “我從禮拜天晚上一接到代禱的內容,就已經開始為你禱告。為你禱告時,我是有期待的;禱告有期待,這禱告就變得很不一樣。我覺得自己在這方面開始有了成長...."

”我發出的電郵中, 有一位從香港回郵告訴我,她在為你禱告....我們本不認識,神把我們聯結了...."




I  took off the hat la ...

Two weeks ago, I began to feel the soft hair back of my head became dense and  curly .

Nov 19, Simon and I had dinner in fellowship with the prayer leaders who has been sending out prayers to the prayer net supporters weekly for the last 7 months.  They all commented that I look younger with the new grow hair.  What a compliment.  

Oh, Chemotherapy , don't you know, this is the only favor side effects you have !!!

Friday night, I ask Simon to take photos with the new hair.  Look good Lol.
During the fellowship time, there were encouraging sharing:

"Every Sunday night, as soon as I received the prayer content ,I began to pray for you right away.  I prayed with expectations; and found that when pray with expectations, the prayer became different ,  I felt I began to grow in this area ....

"From the prayer email I sent, there is a return mail from Hong Kong told me that she was praying for you .... We do not know each other, God unites us  ...."

Another one said the following while she was praying after meal:  "Thank God, through prayer for Mrs. Fan, you bond our hearts together."

Thanks for such precious sharing, we all experiencing that God indeed is the one who hears prayer. Because,through prayer, a heart full of compassion and love was presented to Father God .

Let me say:. "Cancer, the special blessing that God place in my life "

2015年11月11日 星期三

Rev. Allen Finley

Today 11/11 is the birthday of the late Rev. Dr. Allen Finley who was the first International President for Partners International.

It was under his leadership I was transferred from Hong Kong to establish the USA Chinese Ministry.  He was called home couple years ago, and I still miss him greatly.

Rev. Finley , A man of God,  also my life saver.

June 1973 my first visit to the States, not long after landed from HK, we were driving to his house, stopped at a red light, and hit by a day dreamer with 60/miles per hour speed.  I was knock out by my luggage, and the whole car was on fire, still running for about 10 to 20 yards before stop.  Every one in the car were able to get out except me in the back seat of a burning car.  It was Rev. Finley who managed to get me out .....

Rev. Finley also the founder of Crossroads Publications (CP) and the Mission Pathway ministry has been operated under CP.

2015年11月1日 星期日

晨曦十周年 Operation Dawn 10th Anniversary



Michael除了有毒癮的問題,還有家庭暴力的案子在身,所以每個禮拜都要從Cupertino 的家開車到南San Jose去接他到三藩市去上<如何處理怒氣 Anger Management>的課程。當時我和塗牧師(姚師母)除了送他去上課,還得坐在課室外邊,雙眼緊盯着課室的門口,生怕被他逃走不回中心。這樣來回每次中得花上五六個小時。

     一次送他去見假釋官時,我就和Michael說,要問假釋官可否讓他在San Jose上這課程,不用到三藩市。

     「范師母,我不想在San Jose 上,我想在三藩市上這課

     「你當然不是希望在San Jose 上課,因為在三藩市是你的地頭,你在這裏很容易找到毒品

   「范師母,你誤會了,我的英文不好,在San Jose上的課是英文,我聽不懂。」

     聖靈立刻責備我,若我不以主所施予我的恩慈來體恤別人,又因逃避勞瘁而莽下論斷,我就還是絲毫不懂加略山的愛 ...




Operation Dawn Tenth Anniversary

          Today, Nov 1, USA Operation Dawn celebrating their10th Anniversary. Simon and I with others will be singing together the "Be Thankful", while we practice the song at home, I recall, 10 years ago....

          Michael, on top of the drug addition, also had a court case of domestic violence and had to attend weekly Anger Management class in San Francisco.  Therefore I had to spend at least 5 to 6  hours to take him back and forth, plus watch closely by starring at the classroom door ,to make sure that he won't run away for drugs.

          When the time to send him to a probation officer, I asked Michael  to ask the officer to change the Anger Management class  from San Francisco to San Jose.

      "Mrs. Fan, I do not want to take the class in the San Jose, but in San Francisco,..."

      "You're certainly want to be in San Francisco where is your area, and you  can easily find drugs there ..."

    "Mrs. Fan, you are mistaken, my English is not good, lessons in San Jose is in English, I do not understand..."

          Immediately , the following thought came : If I have no compassion on others, even as my Lord had pity on me; and if I so occupied with my comfort and causing me to make a rude judgment,  then I know nothing of Calvary love.

       What happened, let me see the reality of my own heart.

      I would like to take this as a special opportunity to give thanks for all the loving effort the staff and directors and volunteers they labor together to demonstrate the special Calvary love.  And May God continue to bless Operation Dawn.

2015年10月14日 星期三

八點關機 off @ 8


決定不做放療 ,體力精神慢慢從化療和手術恢復過來,我又開始故態復萌: 十點過後才關機,和范牧師一同讀經禱告後,已是11點過後,在床上輾轉反側至是12點多才能入睡。



感謝主,這是祂的憐憫。我心欣喜地歌頌救主,因祂使我得自由。Sing, O Sing of my redeemer, with His blood, He purchased me. In the Cross, He sealed my pardon, paid the debt and made me free.

After heart surgery, My sleeping quality became poor. Often wake up every two hours,  sometimes cannot go back to sleep. Nevertheless, I still stay late.

As I began to be more sensitive to what kind of habit and attitude I have in life, I began to aware that I am a person without discipline, which is not pleasing God at all and causing the Holy Spirit to grieve, to me, that's sin. 

That gives me a new perspective to my daily life. In the past, the knowledge of knowing sleep early is good for health, could not help me to reduce the time spending on computer, once I found this is not pleasing God, it become very easy for me to shut off the computer after 8pm,( except for Monday and Tuesday, these two night I have skype prayer ). 

I am so thankful that He has such mercy on me to develop this habit. Sing, O Sing of my redeemer, with His blood, He purchased me. In the Cross, He sealed my pardon, paid the debt and made me free.

2015年10月12日 星期一

幾十年的團友 Friends

9/26 Friends from HK church came to visit, M/M John Yiu together with my stretching exercise teacher M/M Paul Tam, The Yius know me since I was 8. I found the picture with Mrs. Yiu when I was 18.

50 years ago

9/27 another friend Sau Jan from HK that Simon and I ministered together in another church, came to worship together, and told me that their church also praying for me. photo taken 40 years ago, they came to visit us after I gave birth to Ernest. 

2015年10月5日 星期一

手套隨想 Thoughts on Glove





感謝憐憫的父神, 祂讓我開始學習......

"Esther, something happen to your hand ? always see you wearing a glove." Occasionally, someone will ask.

After the surgery, because the removal of the  lymph nodes which belong to the immune system, the doctor told me that for the rest of my life, no  blood pressure measurement, injections, nor any blood work can be done on my right hand, I have to avoid sun burn and even any mosquito or insect bites. Therefore, I often have to wear a glove to avoid any inflammation.

Being so cautious to protect the right hand, caused me to realize that, in fact, human's immune to sin is extremely low, actually not at all; only we do not aware. Every gloving, reminds me has to guard my heart, search me O God always, if there's any wicked way in me.....specially in those things that I get used to do with my own habit  that is not pleasing Him. I am thankful that God use the surgery to teach me this important but not easy lesson.

During the past few weeks, one practice method is to take time to think about what need to be done for that day, what are the some habitual methods of doing things or reactions I would have, will that leave rooms for the evil one? Being a person with not much patience, I found it surly is very challenging, and God has mercy on me that I am willing to begin this learning....

2015年9月20日 星期日


前兩天收到同學寫的祝福。 我一看到 ,“偶然罹患上癌症”這一句, 就笑了。
是的,他提醒我,在父神大能膀臂下,癌症對於我, 就是偶遇風寒,小病是福!!

由妳9/12部落格內文獲靈感合得一詩請過目指正希望對妳的決定在身、心、靈三方面有所裨益祈保重並謹祝主思日隆                                          一飛敬禱

我是蒙福的                 飛立

  耶和華是我的牧者, 我必不致缺乏 
          我是祢草塲上的小羊, 偶然罹患上癌症 
     祢使我的靈魂甦醒, 為自己的名引導我走義路
我天天跪在祢面前, 尋求袮的旨意
我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷, 也不怕遭害

  動了手術, 接受化療後再不想做放療的我, 把性命交給祢
  十年陽壽存活率只剩百分之五, 不是問題
因為祢與我同在; 祢的杖, 祢的竿, 都安慰我
  我是全然安全的, 祢把最好的賜給我

因為我專心愛袮, 袮就要搭救我
  因為我知道祢的名, 袮要把我安置在高處
  我若求告祢就蒙應允, 在急難中  祢要與我同在

在我敵人面前, 祢為我擺設筵席
  我惟親眼觀看, 見惡人遭報
祢用油膏了我的頭, 使我的福杯滿溢
  祢要搭救我, 使我尊貴

我且要住在耶和華的殿中, 直到永遠
  祢是我的避難所. 我的山寨
  我讚美祢; 雖然罹病

2015年9月12日 星期六

有福啊 Blessed

做放療,會影響肺功能和甲狀腺功能,加重我現有的淋巴水腫問題,和可能慢性咳嗽。好處是我十年存活率會從百分之五六增加到百分之十到十二。原位復發會從不放療的5% 減至2%。不放療,我十年存活率只有百分之五。


在接受Dr. David Eckman的指導時,他提出我們是神的Enjoyment, 我們對此有甚麼看法。討論過程中,發現華人文化中,父母對子女的讚賞大部份根據孩子的表現,我這一代人很受光宗耀祖這個心態影響。這文化其實也在影響着我們與父神的關係和我們的事奉心態。其實父神對我們的愛並不是根據我做了什麼榮耀祂的事,祂就是喜悅我這個人;就好像一個父親,滿心愉悅滿足地看着祂那個一歲多的女兒在碰碰撞撞地學走路,或發出一些無意義的牙牙學語。對一個在責任和表現的要求下成長的我,是一個嶄新的應用體會。 

期間有同學替我設計了一些思考的問題,也有原是家庭醫生的主內好友給我寶貴意見,代禱弟兄姊妹默默地為我做決定的過程替我守望代禱,告訴我,無論我做什麼決定,我都是在神的手中;一位姊妹替我等候時, 問主祂有甚麼話給我,詩篇23的話:神必與我同在,雖然行過死蔭的 幽谷, 也不怕遭害, 因為你與我同在;在敵人面前,我為你擺設筵席。



99號收到一位豐富禱告經驗也出版關於禱告書籍的Sylvia女士,每週三所發的資料,Psalm 91, God's Protecting Presence我請她為我禱告,她為我禱告:EstherI am praying Psalm 91 for you.  Psalm 91 is the security of the one who trusts God. Security is all about my faithfulness to trust His faithfulness. And Jesus even lives in us to be our faithfulness because he knows we can’t do it on our own. He doesn’t expect us to. 2 Timothy 2:13 says If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny Himself. It is ALL Him, through and through!
禮拜五開始讀詩篇91篇不同的翻譯版本。我看了和合本、聖經新譯本、和呂振中譯本;英文讀了NIV MSG(MESSAGE)。當我一讀到英文Message的譯本時,我簡直想跳起來,高興開心,非常喜樂。因為MSG是這樣寫的:
His huge outstretched arms protect you—
under them you’re perfectly safe;
his arms fend off all harm.
 “If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,” says God,
    “I’ll get you out of any trouble.
I’ll give you the best of care
    if you’ll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times;
    I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I’ll give you a long life,
    give you a long drink of salvation!”
如果個選擇不做放射治療,把我的性命交托給祂,祂會給我最好的照顧,替我開個party ,給我長壽,長飲於救恩之泉。神的話是這麼清楚。我帶着極大的平安和滿心歡喜快樂地選擇不做放療。做決定時和之後我心中充滿說不出來的喜樂,每次想起這個過程,我就會忍不住從心裏笑出來喜樂滿溢。好幾天了,依然如此 :))


雖然行過死蔭的幽谷, 也不怕遭害, 因為你與我同在His huge outstretched arms fend off all harm.
在敵人面前,我為你擺設筵席I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party. I’ll give you a long life,    give you a long drink of salvation!”

我的天爸爸實在疼愛我。我只是小小的堅定地尋求祂, 祂就連忙把各種各樣的好處賜下, 除敵、安全、壽數、滿溢之救恩、還要開個Party 給我。有福啊!!!

The past few weeks, I have been pondering and seeking after Him whether I should do the Radiation Treatment or not. Benefit is chance to live 10 year increase from 5-6% to 10-12%, and local relapse from 5% reduced to 2%.  The down side is the lung and typhoid function will be damaged, and lymphdema and chronic coughing risk.
Yes, I have struggles inside, am I having the fear of the pain and suffering from the treatment process as well as the side effects, so that I pet on the fear and not willing to take it as a chance to bring glory to Him ? Just as one of our long time pastor good friend teasing me, "Esther, you are cranky, not willing to take your medications."

In one of the mentoring session with Dr. David Eckman who asked us the following question, "God as our Father ,what do you think that we actually are His enjoyment". During the discussion process, we found that the Chinese culture, which is performance and shame base,  does not give us this perspective nor experience that parents enjoy us. We were brought up with expectations and not to shame our ancestors by great achievement and performances.  That has impact our relationship with God being our Father, also we try to please Him, or to express our love to Him, thru our service.  Actually, Father God just want to enjoy us, like a father fully pleased with his one year old daughter learning to talk to him and holding his hands trying to walk.

I am not lonely during the decision making process, good advices from friend who is a retired family doctor, classmate helping me to think from various perspectives, and all the prayer supporters holding me with their prayers and sent me their word from God, that I am in His hands, and a sister sent me Psalm 23 as word for me from God telling me that I will not be harmed thru the valley of death, and He will provide me a feast in front of the foes.

9/8 Tuesday I called a sister who is going thru chemo treatment to see how is she doing. she referred me to attend a open meeting for Chinese cancer patients to ask the doctor regarding their treatment.
9/9 afternoon, I went for 2nd opinion, Dr.Edmund Tai (an oncologist for more than 30 years with Palo Alto Medical group in Mt View) told me the following:-
                2008, Demark, 'post mastectomy radiology' said that  RT is strongly suggest if there are 4 or more  positive  nodes.  My case is challenging,  for I am a triple negative, and did not finish the full chemo due to heart situation.  Personally, he sees that way " cancer healing is a long term process, while heart situation can become worse in just one or two days".  (That was what happened to me).
I also checked with my cardiologist, he told me, "If the thyroid function does get out of balance, it can certainly contribute to afib (typically increased rates). Sometimes lung disease can contribute to arrhythmias such as afib and, if severe enough, can increase the HR a bit." And he understand my intention not to have RT because especially since it was more difficult to control than we expected during some of my other cancer therapies.
I know what to decide, but I still beg my Father to give me His word direct for me to move on.

Same Wed, I received the weekly devotional material 'Psalm 91, God's Protecting Presence' from Slyvia Gunter who wrote many articles in prayers, I asked her to pray for me, she wrote the following:- EstherI am praying Psalm 91 for you.  Psalm 91 is the security of the one who trusts God. Security is all about my faithfulness to trust His faithfulness. And Jesus even lives in us to be our faithfulness because he knows we can’t do it on our own. He doesn’t expect us to. 2 Timothy 2:13 says If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny Himself. It is ALL Him, through and through!

As I begin to reading various translation version on PS91, I almost jumped with joy as I read the Message version, I have seen a picture of : His huge outstretched arms protect you—    under them you’re perfectly safe;   his arms fend off all harm.  (If I had the radiation, He will protect me from the side effects),
 “as I continue on verse 14-16,If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,” says God,    “I’ll get you out of any trouble. I’ll give you the best of care.    if you’ll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times;    I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party. I’ll give you a long life,    give you a long drink of salvation!”  (If I choose not to have radiation, He will give me the best care, prepare me a party, give me long life:)

It echoes with Psalm 23, no harm from death valley, He will fend off them.
He provide a feast in front of my foes, He throw me a party
Hallelujah,  I chose not to have the radiation, and hold on Him for my life. I made the decision with such great peace, assurance, confidence and GREAT Joy.  Whenever I thought of how I come to that point, I burst out in joyful laughing, it has been now several days, I still do.

I have a Father who enjoys me so much that only I put a very tiny effort to try to be faithful to trust Him, and He is in a hurry to throw me all His wonderful, joyful, blessing of protection, long life and a Party down to me. 

Blessed is Esther.

2015年9月6日 星期日

同窗之情 With Love from High School Mates

人生,總會有軟弱跌倒疲乏之時,這你會發覺許多人是匆匆和你擦肩而過,但也有人,他們會停頓下來,扶你一把,給你一個微笑,和關顧的眼神,甚至與你同行,給你鼓勵。 這就是家人朋友和主耶穌口中所說的鄰居。



她們走後,我對范牧師說,這次生病,和苦的時候並不多,但蒙恩被愛的時刻,卻是源源不斷地臨到我。例如主內弟兄姊妹在禱告上不斷的支持, 鼓勵,和關心;這次遠方同窗的來訪,都在我心中形成了許多度主愛淙淙的暖流,溫暖着我的心,幫助我抵抗這冷酷陰暗嚴峻的癌症。我感恩。
Having challenges and difficulty moments in life, we will find that many  are in a hurry and pass by, but, some would come to give you a smile, any eyesight full of caring and a hand to lift you up. This is the family, friends and neighbors.

September 2 Wednesday morning , I had three visitors, two from Los Angeles, my high school classmate, and one the younger sister of another high school classmate. They brought me their  home made dumplings, chicken abalone soup, fruit, and the deep deep loving care. That morning I need to do the blood tests and see the surgeon, so we all went to the hospital. We just could not wait to start talking , and we were so excited and we have, on several occasions ,apologize to other patients for our laughing. We, people at late 60s, suddenly act like seventeen-year-old girls.

Thank God, we have the opportunity to talk about interesting things in life, also about God's wonderful grace and protections. While listening to them, my heart is overflowed with their love. Blessed is Esther who can experience such joy during sickness.

After they left, I told the Simon that , grace and blessing came to me like a steady stream of His Love, far more than the pain and suffer. Yes, the ongoing prayer support and encouragement; and the visit from classmates, have been forming many warm stream to help me fighting this cold dark severe cruel cancer. I'm grateful.