2015年10月14日 星期三

八點關機 off @ 8


決定不做放療 ,體力精神慢慢從化療和手術恢復過來,我又開始故態復萌: 十點過後才關機,和范牧師一同讀經禱告後,已是11點過後,在床上輾轉反側至是12點多才能入睡。



感謝主,這是祂的憐憫。我心欣喜地歌頌救主,因祂使我得自由。Sing, O Sing of my redeemer, with His blood, He purchased me. In the Cross, He sealed my pardon, paid the debt and made me free.

After heart surgery, My sleeping quality became poor. Often wake up every two hours,  sometimes cannot go back to sleep. Nevertheless, I still stay late.

As I began to be more sensitive to what kind of habit and attitude I have in life, I began to aware that I am a person without discipline, which is not pleasing God at all and causing the Holy Spirit to grieve, to me, that's sin. 

That gives me a new perspective to my daily life. In the past, the knowledge of knowing sleep early is good for health, could not help me to reduce the time spending on computer, once I found this is not pleasing God, it become very easy for me to shut off the computer after 8pm,( except for Monday and Tuesday, these two night I have skype prayer ). 

I am so thankful that He has such mercy on me to develop this habit. Sing, O Sing of my redeemer, with His blood, He purchased me. In the Cross, He sealed my pardon, paid the debt and made me free.

2015年10月12日 星期一

幾十年的團友 Friends

9/26 Friends from HK church came to visit, M/M John Yiu together with my stretching exercise teacher M/M Paul Tam, The Yius know me since I was 8. I found the picture with Mrs. Yiu when I was 18.

50 years ago

9/27 another friend Sau Jan from HK that Simon and I ministered together in another church, came to worship together, and told me that their church also praying for me. photo taken 40 years ago, they came to visit us after I gave birth to Ernest. 

2015年10月5日 星期一

手套隨想 Thoughts on Glove





感謝憐憫的父神, 祂讓我開始學習......

"Esther, something happen to your hand ? always see you wearing a glove." Occasionally, someone will ask.

After the surgery, because the removal of the  lymph nodes which belong to the immune system, the doctor told me that for the rest of my life, no  blood pressure measurement, injections, nor any blood work can be done on my right hand, I have to avoid sun burn and even any mosquito or insect bites. Therefore, I often have to wear a glove to avoid any inflammation.

Being so cautious to protect the right hand, caused me to realize that, in fact, human's immune to sin is extremely low, actually not at all; only we do not aware. Every gloving, reminds me has to guard my heart, search me O God always, if there's any wicked way in me.....specially in those things that I get used to do with my own habit  that is not pleasing Him. I am thankful that God use the surgery to teach me this important but not easy lesson.

During the past few weeks, one practice method is to take time to think about what need to be done for that day, what are the some habitual methods of doing things or reactions I would have, will that leave rooms for the evil one? Being a person with not much patience, I found it surly is very challenging, and God has mercy on me that I am willing to begin this learning....