2015年6月30日 星期二

關於我的心律不整 AFib







2015年6月27日 星期六

人的同情和神的憐恤 Compassion

前天,6/25,見負責我手術後康復治療過程的醫生。他一見過面,就說:「我知道你最近經歷了許多。You went thru a lot」他這句話,令我很感動,覺得他很有同情心。




9   以色列啊,你要倚靠耶和華! 他是你的幫助和你的盾牌。
10 亞倫家啊,你們要倚靠耶和華! 他是你們的幫助和你們的盾牌。
11 你們敬畏耶和華的,要倚靠耶和華! 他是你們的幫助和你們的盾牌。


晚上和范牧師一同做感恩禱告的時候,我對 神說,「父啊我感謝你,因為我覺得這個醫生,由於他了解我經歷過甚麼,因此而同情我的處境,所以就會盡力地幫助我好好地康復。主啊如果人間醫生的了解和同情令我這樣感動。那麼,最明白我經歷過什麼的是就是我天上的父親。愛我的主,你豈不是更加憐恤痛惜我,用你的慈悲和大能來醫治照顧我嗎。」禱告到這時,我留下感恩的眼淚和充滿了平安。 

每天要勤練吹小球,指標是2000。 目前只到1500,仍需努力


6/25 Thursday, met with Dr. Arora who will be look after my recovery process after the breast tissue and lymph node removal surgery.  When he came in, he looked at me and said something very touching, "I know you went thru a lot recently’.

Then he began to tell me the surgery will be about 2.5 hours, and the possible risks:-
bleeding due to the Lovelos injection to replace the  blood thinner 5 days prior the surgery.
Stroke due to my present persistant  AFib
Low blood pressure due to the medications I am taking to control my fast heart rate.
AFib problem after surgery.

Dr. Arora told me that my surgeon is a very good surgeon, and he himself will watch closely for my recovery to make sure I have a good and quick recovery.

I realized that this coming 2.5 hours surgery actually has more possible risks then the 10 hours heart surgery 3 years ago.  Yet, my heart is at great peace, for that morning, the Lord already told me thru my Psalm reading, Ps 115 9-11
O Israel,[a] trust in the Lord!
    He is their help and their shield.
10 O house of Aaron, trust in the Lord!
    He is their help and their shield.
11 You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord!
    He is their help and their shield

During the bedtime prayer with Simon who reminded me that in Ps 115, He is my shield said 3 times.  What a faithful promise !  In prayer, I said, " Father God, thank you for teaching me today, if I was so touched by a medical doctor, because he understood what I had gone thru, compassionated with my situation and wanted to provide and help me with a good recovery process; how much I should be grateful and thrilled to know you, being my father God, who knows me best what I had gone thru and surely will be merciful and compassionate on me, and powerful and merciful  to love and care for me more than any other physician on earth. Thank you Lord".  I cried and prayed  with tears of thanksgiving and great peace. 

In order to make sure I can recovery well, I start busy again for  the following from now on:-
  1. Walking to the end of my block and back 3 times a day.
  2. Clean my teeth and mouth at least 3 times a day.
  3. Use incentive spirometer to strengthen my lung.
My surgery will be
July 16, 1:30pm.  Santa Clara Kaiser.
Thanks for your faithful prayer.

2015年6月14日 星期日

特別感恩的一天 A Day To be Thankful

今天,六月十四,主日,我特別感恩的一天;因為我可以和弟兄姊妹們一同敬拜。宣召時,我已禁不住地充滿了淚水。能回到神的家到,同心朝見父神,永遠是無可替代的恩福。不論是唱詩或聽牧師的講道,我都蒙恩。會後,領詩姊妹的母親特意過來告訴一個好消息:她剛剛決志信主了 !另一位弟兄分享神幫助他完成一項12年的心願。主恩實在奇妙,因為祂賞賜那些尋求祂的人。謝謝您們的祝福禱告。

Today, June 14 Sunday, is a day of thanks, for I was able to worship together with brothers and sisters.  My eyes already filled with running tears during the call of worship.  It is such an irreplaceable blessing that we can come before Father God as a congregation.  I was so blessed with the singing and pastor's preaching.  After service, the mother of the worship leader came to tell me that she accepted the Lord recently; another brother shared how God helped him to complete a task last for more than 12 years.  His mercy is so rich, for He rewards those who earnestly seek him. Thank you for all  your blessed prayers

上下夾攻 Being Pressed From All Sides



26號那天,再調,以為OK,中午出院; 因為鎂點滴要到下午3時才完,故沒有立刻離開,就在2點鐘時,心跳一下落到38 ,又是另外一種的危險。醫生決定裝個心臟起搏器。一方面用藥來壓慢心跳,另方面用起搏器防止心跳低過60
27號 手術移除PORT 及安裝起起搏器。


我知道我又再次陷入小信,趕緊求神赦免。然後想起留院時讀的一本關於禱告的書,但回家後好幾天都找不到。我說:「神啊Simon和我找這本書好幾天了,都找不到,請提醒我們把它放到哪裏去了。」話口未完, Simon 就說找到了!原來那本書一直就放在床邊的椅子上,被一些衣物遮住了。但是我們好幾天就是找不到,一禱告就看到。我心中馬上知道,神對我說,祂一直在聽我的禱告。我們馬上感謝主。



Being Pressed From All Sides

Ever since I went in for chemo on 5/6, I’ve been feeling weak. My heartbeat has been irregular, and I needed a wheelchair when I went to the hospital. My doctor told me my heart is still strong. He encouraged me, and he told me to be brave. I also wanted to learn to ‘let go’. All that added to my decision to not wanting to have some device to monitor my heart 24/7. But, my heartbeat is still irregular. I would feel sick even after a short walk. I ended up lying in bed all day after my last chemo on the 13th. At first, I thought it was the effect of the chemo. My visit to the ER on the 21st revealed what actually was happening - my heart was beating at 180 per minute. 

I asked the Lord why was this happening just when I began to learn to let go. I felt kind of defeated.

5/23. I felt sick after lunch. Went to the ER. Ended up staying in the hospital. My doctor adjusted the dosage every day but failed to control my heartbeat.
5/24. My heart rate went up to 180 even with me taking less than 80 steps.
5/25. The doctor put me on a new medication. It gave me hypotension (low blood pressure). I felt dizzy and nausea.
5/26. The doctor adjusted my dosage again. We thought it’s going to be fine. The plan was for me to be discharged after the Magnesium IV infusion was done. At about 2pm, my heart rate slowed down to 38 per minute. At this point, my doctor decided to install a pacemaker. So, on the one hand, he wanted to slow down my heartbeat with medication; on the other hand, he used the pacemaker to prevent my heart rate to go below 60.
5/27. They proceeded to take out the port (for chemotherapy use) and installed the pacemaker. 

Oh my heart, you are being pressed from all sides! 

5/28. Came home from the hospital. I still had rapid heartbeat after even small activities.
5/31. When Simon and I prayed at bedtime, I told God my worries. Will I be able to get better by June 12th, the day the doctor scheduled the surgery? Will my heart be strong enough for the procedures? “Didn’t you say you are my shield? Didn’t you say your rescue comes quickly? My God, are you listening to my prayer?” 

I knew I slipped back to the state of little faith. I quickly ask Lord to forgive me  and increase my faith. Then I remembered that I misplaced a book on prayer that I was reading while I was hospitalized. I kept looking for it for days after coming home. I prayed, “God, Simon and I have been looking for this book for days. Please remind us where we put it last.” Then, Simon announced finding it!  All the time, it had been buried under a pile of clothes on the chair next to our bed. Finding it this way made me realized that God was telling me that He has been listening to our prayer. And we thanked Him.

When I did my daily devotion the next morning (6/1), I came to this verse in Hebrews 11 that says: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” When I remembered how God listened to prayer last night, I suddenly realized that I had been focusing on what to let go and how to let go. In other words, my attention was on my accomplishment based on my own work. That was not what God wanted from me. My own work could only nurture my self righteousness and arrogance. He only wanted my complete trust in him! In the past three weeks, I had been depending on myself, and of course I didn’t get to where I wanted to be. As a result, I felt greatly defeated. When I realized what happened, I began to see my folly. I complained when I didn’t see results. I questioned God if he listened to my prayers. And I buried myself in my own frustration and self pity. I prayed, “Father, I will trust in you more whenever I am afraid.” Suddenly, I felt like the Lord had lifted a big stone from my heart. I no longer felt defeated but was only grateful. 

I remembered this song:
I trust in God wherever I may be,
Upon the land or on the rolling sea,
For, come what may, from day to day,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Tho' billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heavn'ly Father watches over me.

He makes the rose an object of His care,
He guides the eagle thru the pathless air,
And surely He remembers me,
My heav'nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Tho' billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heavn'ly Father watches over me.

When I told Simon what I have learned, he reminded me that "letting go is not the same as trusting God. "  thank you, pastor. 

Lord, I pour out my soul to you. My spirit isn’t quick and my mind isn’t sharp. They are slow and weary. Yet, I worship you. You are never slow or weary. You alone know my heart. June 1 prayer from Chinese version of "My Upmost for Your Highest",-Oswald Chambers

2015年6月11日 星期四

The Surgeon

6/9 Tuesday visit with Dr. John Stevenson, my breast cancer removal surgeon. The visit was greatly blessed with the company of Mrs. Dr. Susan Wong (Rev. Wilson Wong's wife, Senior pastor of Berkeley Chinese for Christ Church) to help me better understand more about my surgery on July 16. 

The surgery will be a Mastectomy procedure, to remove all the right breast tissue including the fat and lymph nodes under the right arm pit.  lymph nodes removal will causing swollen in hand and arm since the lymph nodes are glands and that will be the annoying part of recovery.  Again, I look forward for His wonderful mercy around me.

Thanks to Lord for the surgeon, Dr. John Stevenson, as Dr. Susan commented: "I am thankful that God led you to a good doctor, a trustworthy one and also very knowledgeable with a caring spirit.".  Dr. Stevenson came to talk with me one night when I was in hospital, checked with my primary cardiologist, my pacemaker cardiologist, Warfarin pharmacy doctor and oncologist to make sure when will be the best time and right blood thinner dosage for me to have the surgery.  I am so thankful for such a good surgeon. 

Praise and prayer Item:-        

Thank God for Dr. John Stevenson, a very brilliant ,compassionate, listening, detail and experienced surgeon.  He served as the chief of the surgery department from 2002-2007, now also actively involved in the teaching of the Stanford surgical residents and medical students.  I am in such God sent good hands.
Please remember Dr. Stevenson and his whole team , and every patients he treats has wonderful results including Esther Fan.

Praise God for the heart rate is under control with the new medication, the Diltizen,, even though it still tries to race whenever I try to be more active, so I am still learning to bed rest more and relax.  My  eating is getting better.

2015年6月8日 星期一

Weekly Prayer





Heard the following story:

A missionary on his way to a church and encounter robbery.  When they were about to attack and hurt him, suddenly they were very scary and said "there are 13 heaven soldiers around and protect that man, let's go".

When missionary arrived the church and telling this story.  One raised his hand, and asked what was the time.  Missionary told that person the time, and he said it was exactly during that time, there were 13 brothers and sisters praying for him. 
Because of illness, there are many brothers and sisters and friends, formed a prayer support net to love and support me with prayer. Since then, the dangerous juncture became the experience of His deliverance , One example is:
5/21, due to heart rate was 180, Simon took me to the ER , was diagnosed with SVT - Supra-ventricular Tachycardia.   The ER doctor decided to give me medications to stop the heart completely and then restart it using defibrillator.  This was a risky procedure.  God changed my heart rate and it slowed down right before the medication
Praise the salvation of my Lord, He heard prayers of brothers and sisters, you and your prayers became the God sent encamp angels. 
Dear Brothers and sisters, you are faithful prayer warriors, your prayers also the God sent host and angels from heaven.  How wonderful, thank you.

Dear Heavenly Father,
We praise you. You are worthy. "...Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" (Revelation 5:12) . Thank you Jesus for being slain for us, that we can make the choice to accept Jesus Christ , the Lamb of God who take away the sin of the world, as our personal savior and Lord and become your children and your sheep. We believe that Christ died for our sins, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. We praise Jesus, the living God, and trust that he is manifesting his saving grace and healing power even today.
We read about Jesus' compassion and power to heal all kinds of sickness.
Matthew 8:15-16
"He (Jesus) touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him. When the evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick."
Matthew 9:18-26
Jesus healed a sick woman and even raised a dead girl
Matthew 12:15
"...Many followed him, and he healed all their sick,"
Matthew 17:14-21
Jesus healed a boy with a Demon
Matthew 19:2
"Large crowd followed him, and he healed them there."
Matthew 20:34
"Jesus had compassion on them ( 2 blind men ) and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him."
We claim Jesus' healing touch on Esther. Our faith is little. But even if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountain. With You nothing will be impossible for Esther and for us (Matthew 17:20).
Please answer our prayer, Oh Lord, according to Your Word in Psalm 18:
Verses 1-6
I love you, O LORD, my strength. May Esther love you and claim your strength. The LORD is her rock, her fortress and her deliverer. She takes refuge in you, her shield and the horn of her salvation, her stronghold. When she calls to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, she is saved form her enemies. Though satan is a strong enemy intending to destroy, but you are much stronger. The cords of death entangle Esther; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed her. The cords of the grave coiled around her; the snares of death confronted her. In her distress she called to the LORD; she cried to his God for help. God heard her voice form the temple. Esther’s cry came before God, into God's ears. We also cry to you for your healing for Esther and help for her whole family. We trust that you listen and meet their needs.
Verses 16-19
O LORD, please reach down from on high and take hold of Esther; please draw her out of deep waters. Rescue her from her powerful enemy. The LORD is her support. Please bring Esther out into a spacious place, rescue her because of your delight in her.
In Jesus' powerful name, Amen

2015年6月5日 星期五

移除手術歷險記 Port Removal

527日,癌症確診的兩個月那天,要做兩個手術,先把裝在左胸口上的port移除,再裝置一個心臟起搏器。(因為腫瘤在右邊,日後還要做電療, 故起搏器要裝在左邊。)期間出現一些驚險鏡頭。由於我在服食薄血藥,手術是臨時定的,感謝醫生替我打了許多通電話聯絡,把兩個手術擠進去。凝血度當然不夠標準,故此醫生要替我下兩個單位的血清以及輸血。



幸好,手術完後,我有一個驚喜。就是護士們用吊臂,把我所躺的那張手術床上、邊上有環的毯子,吊起來,我就像空中飛人那樣,昇高、" 一下從手術床飛回到病床。好過癮。跟著,護士就把我從醫院的一端趕快送到醫院的另外一端,就是做置入心臟起搏器的手術房做另外一個手術。


在知道要做手術時,教會就啟動了24小時的代禱鏈,每小時都有人用禱告來托著我。我雖然何等不配,神仍如此恩待我。耶和華啊,我拿甚麼報答你的厚恩? 謝謝愛我的主,和每一位關心禱告者。

在右邊凸起那儀器就是port。它有條老鼠尾咭住血管。每次化療時就從這裡入藥。好過在手掌背入藥。每一段時期要護士清洗一次.  (同學文英供應的資料)
The Power Port  is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein. Under the skin, the port has a septum through which drugs can be injected and blood samples can be drawn many times, usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical "needle stick". (from WikipediA)

May 27th. They were going to take out the port for the chemo, then install a pacemaker to prevent my heart rate drop too low. Nothing was easy. Because I’ve been taking anticoagulants, the doctor needed to give me two units of plasma before the procedures. 

What was not expected was that I came down with allergic reactions after receiving the first unit. I got rashes, in order to give me the best benefit, the doctor preferred  finish giving me the plasma. She ordered some IV medications for the allergy, once the medication entered my bloodstream, I felt something was wrong with my throat. My tongue became numb. I felt woozy. My head was stuffy, and my arms and legs became so weak.  After all sorts of examinations by the nurses, I was wheeled back to my room. As a result, the first scheduled procedure was postponed by two hours. The doctor finally decided not to give me the second unit of plasma. I believe God has His own will to prevent me from receiving the second unit of plasma.

When they finally began to remove the chemo port, they didn’t treat me with any pre-medication. I was conscious for the entire process and was therefore quite anxious to listen to how the doctor digging the device out. Although there was no physical pain, the part on listening to how it’s done was a different form of torture.

There was a “surprise reward” after the operation. I was quite impressed by how they transfer the patient from the operating table to the gurney. They used a mini-crane that picked me up by grabbing on to the blanket under me, then "flied"me directly on a gurney. It was fun. Then, the nurse took me down the hall for the second procedure - installing the pacemaker.

This time, the cardiologist doctor put me to sleep.  I did not realized it, and thought the operation was done much faster than what they told me.  So I continue to sing the song I have been singing, 'How Great Thou Art'.  Nurse told me, I had sang several since woke up.

There was round the clock prayer chain activated for the two procedure.  I am so unworthy, yet He loves me so much.  What can I give to return Him ? Thank you my Lord, and all the prayer supporters.

2015年6月3日 星期三

信實的應許者 The Faithful Promise Keeper





May 25th. Six weeks after I was on chemo, the doctor wanted to do an ultrasound to monitor my progress. Somehow, it was scheduled a week early. I ended up going in on 5/18. The result showed that the tumor had shrunk from 2.4cm to 0.9cm. You couldn’t even see it in the lymph nodes! 

When I asked my doctor if we could stop the chemo, she chuckled. “I knew you will ask.” She concurred with the idea but wished to get a second opinion from the director of the oncology department. 

Praise God! His rescue comes quickly. I was able to stop the chemo after the fifth administration of medications. God has shorten the process from 18 visits to 5. It’s all because of His mercy and grace. The One who gives us promise is faithful. 

I had to go in for an echocardiogram on 5/19. It wasn’t all smooth. I suffered from cardiac arrhythmia during that time. My heartbeat was rapid. But, it was under control when the doctor examined me. He told me my heart is still good. Praise God! He is my shield  The one who givs us promises is faithful.