2015年6月5日 星期五

移除手術歷險記 Port Removal

527日,癌症確診的兩個月那天,要做兩個手術,先把裝在左胸口上的port移除,再裝置一個心臟起搏器。(因為腫瘤在右邊,日後還要做電療, 故起搏器要裝在左邊。)期間出現一些驚險鏡頭。由於我在服食薄血藥,手術是臨時定的,感謝醫生替我打了許多通電話聯絡,把兩個手術擠進去。凝血度當然不夠標準,故此醫生要替我下兩個單位的血清以及輸血。



幸好,手術完後,我有一個驚喜。就是護士們用吊臂,把我所躺的那張手術床上、邊上有環的毯子,吊起來,我就像空中飛人那樣,昇高、" 一下從手術床飛回到病床。好過癮。跟著,護士就把我從醫院的一端趕快送到醫院的另外一端,就是做置入心臟起搏器的手術房做另外一個手術。


在知道要做手術時,教會就啟動了24小時的代禱鏈,每小時都有人用禱告來托著我。我雖然何等不配,神仍如此恩待我。耶和華啊,我拿甚麼報答你的厚恩? 謝謝愛我的主,和每一位關心禱告者。

在右邊凸起那儀器就是port。它有條老鼠尾咭住血管。每次化療時就從這裡入藥。好過在手掌背入藥。每一段時期要護士清洗一次.  (同學文英供應的資料)
The Power Port  is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein. Under the skin, the port has a septum through which drugs can be injected and blood samples can be drawn many times, usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical "needle stick". (from WikipediA)

May 27th. They were going to take out the port for the chemo, then install a pacemaker to prevent my heart rate drop too low. Nothing was easy. Because I’ve been taking anticoagulants, the doctor needed to give me two units of plasma before the procedures. 

What was not expected was that I came down with allergic reactions after receiving the first unit. I got rashes, in order to give me the best benefit, the doctor preferred  finish giving me the plasma. She ordered some IV medications for the allergy, once the medication entered my bloodstream, I felt something was wrong with my throat. My tongue became numb. I felt woozy. My head was stuffy, and my arms and legs became so weak.  After all sorts of examinations by the nurses, I was wheeled back to my room. As a result, the first scheduled procedure was postponed by two hours. The doctor finally decided not to give me the second unit of plasma. I believe God has His own will to prevent me from receiving the second unit of plasma.

When they finally began to remove the chemo port, they didn’t treat me with any pre-medication. I was conscious for the entire process and was therefore quite anxious to listen to how the doctor digging the device out. Although there was no physical pain, the part on listening to how it’s done was a different form of torture.

There was a “surprise reward” after the operation. I was quite impressed by how they transfer the patient from the operating table to the gurney. They used a mini-crane that picked me up by grabbing on to the blanket under me, then "flied"me directly on a gurney. It was fun. Then, the nurse took me down the hall for the second procedure - installing the pacemaker.

This time, the cardiologist doctor put me to sleep.  I did not realized it, and thought the operation was done much faster than what they told me.  So I continue to sing the song I have been singing, 'How Great Thou Art'.  Nurse told me, I had sang several since woke up.

There was round the clock prayer chain activated for the two procedure.  I am so unworthy, yet He loves me so much.  What can I give to return Him ? Thank you my Lord, and all the prayer supporters.

2 則留言:

  1. 被麻醉了還繼續唱歌?羨慕。:) 感謝上主的保守!

  2. Because during the previous procedure, I was so nervous, so had to sing and humm hymns to help to relax.
