2015年11月1日 星期日

晨曦十周年 Operation Dawn 10th Anniversary



Michael除了有毒癮的問題,還有家庭暴力的案子在身,所以每個禮拜都要從Cupertino 的家開車到南San Jose去接他到三藩市去上<如何處理怒氣 Anger Management>的課程。當時我和塗牧師(姚師母)除了送他去上課,還得坐在課室外邊,雙眼緊盯着課室的門口,生怕被他逃走不回中心。這樣來回每次中得花上五六個小時。

     一次送他去見假釋官時,我就和Michael說,要問假釋官可否讓他在San Jose上這課程,不用到三藩市。

     「范師母,我不想在San Jose 上,我想在三藩市上這課

     「你當然不是希望在San Jose 上課,因為在三藩市是你的地頭,你在這裏很容易找到毒品

   「范師母,你誤會了,我的英文不好,在San Jose上的課是英文,我聽不懂。」

     聖靈立刻責備我,若我不以主所施予我的恩慈來體恤別人,又因逃避勞瘁而莽下論斷,我就還是絲毫不懂加略山的愛 ...




Operation Dawn Tenth Anniversary

          Today, Nov 1, USA Operation Dawn celebrating their10th Anniversary. Simon and I with others will be singing together the "Be Thankful", while we practice the song at home, I recall, 10 years ago....

          Michael, on top of the drug addition, also had a court case of domestic violence and had to attend weekly Anger Management class in San Francisco.  Therefore I had to spend at least 5 to 6  hours to take him back and forth, plus watch closely by starring at the classroom door ,to make sure that he won't run away for drugs.

          When the time to send him to a probation officer, I asked Michael  to ask the officer to change the Anger Management class  from San Francisco to San Jose.

      "Mrs. Fan, I do not want to take the class in the San Jose, but in San Francisco,..."

      "You're certainly want to be in San Francisco where is your area, and you  can easily find drugs there ..."

    "Mrs. Fan, you are mistaken, my English is not good, lessons in San Jose is in English, I do not understand..."

          Immediately , the following thought came : If I have no compassion on others, even as my Lord had pity on me; and if I so occupied with my comfort and causing me to make a rude judgment,  then I know nothing of Calvary love.

       What happened, let me see the reality of my own heart.

      I would like to take this as a special opportunity to give thanks for all the loving effort the staff and directors and volunteers they labor together to demonstrate the special Calvary love.  And May God continue to bless Operation Dawn.

