2015年8月2日 星期日

病人和護士 Patient and Nurse

Esther ,我去後院一下。」
Esther ,我回來了。」



"Esther, I am going to back yard"
"Esther, I am home,"
"Esther, what do you want to eat for lunch ?"
Since I am sick, Simon took such great care of me.
The day after surgery, the nurse saw how Simon took such good care of me, and asked, "How long have you been married?"
Simon said, "41 years"
"41 years! How you maintain, did you often quarrel ?"  Both Simon and I laughed .
I said to her: "During the first few years of marriage, we quarrel a lots, and I always want to win, otherwise will start the cold war. At first I felt good about it, not until I heard the teaching from my church pastor Fred Cheung's taught about marriage. He said, when a couple had conflict, if one  always want to win, that means he or she still very childish, not mature enough; because only children will cry for what they want, not able to lose. Then I began to realize how childish I was and tried to change. For me, this is one of the reasons that  we are able to maintain the 41-year marriage. "

The nurse told us it was helpful to hear that sharing. and immediately our relationship and interaction changed from patient and nurse to friends.  

1 則留言:

  1. 很棒的見證!我家裡吵架,通常表面上他贏,其實我贏,哈...
