2015年7月25日 星期六

要求多多 ? Demanding ?

"Esther ,隨着這個手術,你會很安舒,因為你是神所愛的,祂在這裏與你同在。
感謝神,在迷迷糊糊的情況下,我知道麻醉師一直這樣溫柔地祝福我, 我就安然地被麻醉了。

感謝主,范牧師說我醒過來第一句說話是: " 讚美神,感謝主耶穌基督; 我很OK“。神沒有忘記我的請求。范牧師說: ”神真好,祂對你真好!!“

When the anesthesia doctor called me over the phone, I asked whether she can bless me as I am going under anesthesia, thanks to God, she was more than willing to bless me with the following Statement:
'Following this operation, Esther, you will feel comfortable and you will heal well. For you are beloved by God and He is with you here".
" Following this operation, you life will be much more blessed, for The Lord Jesus Christ you trust, is your wonderful healer also your joy and strength ."
As I was going under anesthesia, I heard she 's blessing me tenderly......
Thanks God that He does remind me to say "Praise God, Thank your Lord Jesus Christ, I am OK" , the first thing I spoke, as I woke up from surgery and saw Simon.  and Simon said, "Thanks God, He is really Good to you !!!

3 則留言:

  1. Dear Fan Cmo, we'll continue to pray for your full recovery.
