2015年8月22日 星期六

走着瞧 Let's Go And See

17歲那年,心臟因細菌感染而發炎,醫生說我可能活不過30歲。這件事我整個教會都知道。事實上,我今年已經68。所以有一次賴木森牧師從星加坡打電話來:「Esther ,褚永華牧師要我轉告你,醫生說你只有30歲命,但你現在已經賺咗一倍啦。」


See the oncologist on July 14, who expressed that she was very happy with the  pathology report that the mask continue to  shrink, because  she was worried (that the tumor would grow) since the surgery was scheduled more than 2 months after the chemo .

I told her that I understood her concerns, but I felt peace, because the surgery date changed from June 12 to July 16 was scheduled by God, not me. She said that the prayers I have are good and ask me to continue have the prayers. Looking back now, God delayed my surgery  probably to let her know the God I believe is a wonderful mighty God that  hears prayer.
Then she encouraged me to  continue with the radiation treatment and frankly told me with my situation, that the cancer will return in two years time. (Approximately, after treatment, 80% of breast cancer patients can continue with 5 years' hormone therapy to prevent the recurrence , but I belong to the 20%, for I don't have the receptor, I am a triple negative ).
Since last Friday, I have been pondering upon whether I should receive the radiation treatment .  Because was diagnosed with mild  lymphedema, the radiation on the surgery area surely will worsen lymphedema.
July 18, I received a get well card from Mrs. Ruth Finley, who asked about my meeting with oncologist, upon knowing that the cancer probably will return in 2 years, she emailed back that even she felt disappointed but will continue to remember meWhile reading her email, I suddenly be reminded that when I had the rheumatic heart infection at age 17, somehow, the doctor told me/my mom that I could only live until 30.  And that's known to the whole Redcliff church, the fact is now I am 68 ::))  more than double.
My heart rejoice in Him upon remember this.  PTL for comforting me with His faithfulness and I trust He will do it again.
Lord, the oncologist said that the cancer will return in two years time, Let's go and see !!!

Lord, the oncologist said that the cancer will return in two years time, Let's go and see !!!

