2015年8月26日 星期三

輕和重 Tony

Tony弟兄是一位患了胃癌的初信者,主日崇拜時, 經常和我坐在同一排凳。他很堅持和堅強地自己開車來敬拜。很多次是停好車後,要在車裡坐上20-30 分鐘,舒緩疼痛後才入來。 最近的幾個禮拜,因住院和痛楚加劇未能和弟兄姊妹一同崇拜。
上主日(8/23 )教會有特別的音樂見證會, 我們為他能邀請他的岳父岳母來聽見證禱告,也知道最大關鍵在乎他的體力能否支持。
牧師邀請凡有進天堂確據的人站立時,他堅定地從輪椅上站起來,立在那兒 我心大大激動。
是的,他是承受著身體很大的疼痛,把家人帶到主前, 讓他們有機會去認識和遇見神。這件事,神豈不記念?

他瘦了,原本個子不高的他,從輪椅上站在那時,猶顯瘦弱;但, 不知怎的,看在眼內留在心的,卻是一個有重量的偉大身影。

Tony is a new believer. He has  stomach cancer. Always sit together with me in the same pew during Sunday services.  He has been coming to church very faithfully,  usually it would take him 20-30 minutes  after parking before he can manage to walk into the Sanctuary due to the pain. Last few weeks, Tony did not show up being medical procefures and  sharp pains.
Last Sunday, 8/23 ,was a special musical outreach Sunday, he would like to invite his in laws to listen to the testimony, we have been praying and know the critical issue is his physical situation.
He came.  First appeared was his wife, her parents, then his daughter, and also his oldest brother and sister-in-law.
When Pastor David asked whoever has the assurance to enter heaven, Tony raised up from wheel chair, firmly standing there, such a thrilling.
Yeah, he is bearing great pain in order to bring family to meet with God.  Will God not remember it ?

He lost weight, looks very weak when he was standing up from wheel chair; somehow, it became a weighty and strong figure in heart.

