2015年8月13日 星期四



這次手術的康復來得比預期的慢, 我在學習忍耐的功課;今早收到王其昌牧師師母的來言鼓勵, 他說: 忍耐是 "waiting in faith for a better outcome from God than what we wish for". Hang in there. 
 是的,不但Hang in, 更要趁此機會與主共盪鞦韆:)

To day is a special day, Aug 13 2012, 3 years ago, I went thru an intensive heart surgery;  4 weeks ago, I had the modified radical mastectomy.
In all these days, there were miracles for risky moments; feeling down, self pity, depressed and faith learning moments.  Overall, I have great peace, felt protected and beloved by God and by friends.  What I experienced drove me to examine the inner situation, then there are moments of being cleansed, and some treasure will be sinking; in one word, all happened to me worthy to be thankful.

The recovery process of the mastectomy is slower than expected, so being patient is something I am learning, this morning, received an encouraging email from Rev. and Mrs. Johnny Wang, he wrote:
Dear Esther,
My understanding of "Patience" is "waiting in faith for a better outcome from God than what we wish for". Hang in there.

Yes, I will take this opportunity not only hanging there, but try to swing with my Lord.

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