過去的好幾個禮拜,總有些事情在忙着,故此,一不留意, 2016年的一月就已經過去了。雖然是有些忙,但在在都經歷着神的應許,身體蒙主保守。感謝主。
Esther :「范牧師牧會初期,我總是對他的講道有意見,要改他的講章.....」
Simon :「我後來就怎樣都不給她看我的講章....」。 這時候,大家都哈哈大笑。
Esther:「我對他說,每次聽你講道,我都很緊張.....,就覺得你拉三漏四的」(其實, 范牧師每篇講道、每句話都打下來,很認真;他講道的那個禮拜,我就不能煩他。)
Simon :「我也是,見到你坐在哪裏,皺着眉頭,我就好怕,可能又講錯了什麼,舌頭打結。」客人哈哈大笑,然後就會心微笑。
Esther :「有一個早上,我又想批評他的講道,突然心中響起羅馬書六章的經文,"因為知道我們的舊人和他同釘十字架,使罪身滅絕,叫我們不再作罪的奴僕"。 既然我的舊人已經和主耶穌基督同釘十字架,我是可以不再聽命於舊我的。批評丈夫就是我的舊人,是已經被釘死在十字架上,根本沒有任何權力去吩咐我。聖靈光照了我,我立刻說,批評,你已經被釘在十字架上了,我不會再聽你的話去批評我的丈夫。感謝主,舊我與主同釘十字架這個客觀的事實,從那天那時開始,就成了我主觀的經歷。」
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范牧師每次主持婚禮的講道都極好 Simon's sermons for weddings always excellent |
Have been busy during the past few weeks. The first month of 2016
slipped away , yet the experiences of God's promises
remained. I am thankful for His
special protection on me from the flu season.
2/1 (Monday) morning, a couple in Christ came to visit. We took the opportunity to share some ministry experiences including some of our own embarrassments. The following one caused laughings.
2/1 (Monday) morning, a couple in Christ came to visit. We took the opportunity to share some ministry experiences including some of our own embarrassments. The following one caused laughings.
Esther: "During the first couple years of Simon's
pastoral ministry, I was very critical toward his preaching , even tried
to change his sermon
Guest: "Still doing that?"
Simon: "No, I won't allow her to view my sermons .....", LAUGHING.
Guest: "Still doing that?"
Simon: "No, I won't allow her to view my sermons .....", LAUGHING.
Esther: "I told Simon that I always so nervous listening
to your sermons,..... you seemed dropped out some very important things" (in fact, Simon typed out each sentence of all his sermons. He
took Sunday preaching very seriously).
Simon: "Me too, seeing you sitting there with frowning, I became nervous whether I said something wrong......." LAUGHING again then casted a knowing smile.
Simon: "Me too, seeing you sitting there with frowning, I became nervous whether I said something wrong......." LAUGHING again then casted a knowing smile.
Esther: "There was one morning, I was
tempted to criticize his sermon, suddenly my
heart popped up -" For we know that our old self was crucified with him
so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin— Romans 6" .
I came to realized
that the critic to Simon was the old self which already been crucified, deid, and being laid off, no longer
I need to take orders from my old self. I immediately said, "criticism, you had been crucified, and I would not listen to you
to criticize my husband. " Thank God, That morning, the
objective fact that my old self has been crucified, became
my subjective experience.
Simon: "Now, I'm not afraid to have her sit there, each time I see her smiling nod, I felt encouraged with confidence."
Simon: "Now, I'm not afraid to have her sit there, each time I see her smiling nod, I felt encouraged with confidence."
Yesterday I recall this experience, the
Holy Spirit : "Simon is peraching for me, not for you." A new and deeper
Lord, I was too blasphemy, Forgive me.
Tomorrow, February 4 will be Simon's birthday, I
would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all these years'
acceptance and grace towards my arrogance.
Wish you full
of joy and blessings.